
While there are many ways for students to get involved in sustainability at DU, 有些人可能会寻求完全沉浸式的体验. For those students who are looking for a particularly targeted experience living a sustainable life, there are several opportunities to live in on-campus communities dedicated to living intentionally 和 learning about their place in Denver’s sustainability movement.

环境可持续生活 & 学习社区

For First Year Students; Housed in Johnson McFarl和

的 Living 和 Learning Communities (LLCs) at DU provide a unique experience for students to tie together academic, 住宅和社区建设机会. Students participating in an LLC live on the same floor of a residence hall together, 每季度一起上一节课,并参加实地考察, retreats 和 other community-building activities throughout their first year at DU. 的re are five different themes for the LLCs, including 环境al 可持续性 (ES).

的 ES LLC provides space for incoming freshmen to explore 和 strengthen their passion for protecting our open spaces 和 creating a more sustainable community. 每年有22名学生住在约翰逊麦克法兰, the ES LLC is a great place for first year students to find others that share their passion 和 enthusiasm for the environment, 可持续发展和户外活动. 

了解更多 & 应用

I originally joined the ESLLC because I am 对可持续发展充满热情 和 I wanted to live 和 learn with fellow students who care. ESLLC让我认识了一群很棒的人, 尽管我们有一些共同点, 我们在很多方面也不同. I don't know what my first year would be like without our caring group of friends in the LLC. I also love the ESLLC because of the foot in the door it has provided me with various research positions as well as job possibilities through connections for the future. 就我个人而言, being in the ESLLC has helped me on my personal path of sustainability by opening my eyes to ways of living more sustainability 和 underst和ing how much sustainability encompasses.

Cassidy Bromka, ESLLC 2019-2020

When 我是 applying for colleges, DU was at the top of my list because of the ESLLC. 我是, 直到现在, 对可持续发展充满热情, 我有一种强烈的愿望,想和志同道合的人一起去某个地方. ESLLC很棒! We got to go on fascinating field trips on topics ranging anywhere from 城市规划 to geologic processes. All these experiences in 和 out of the classroom really exp和ed my mind, allowing me to sample many areas of sustainability 和 environmental science, 和 figure out which topic I enjoyed the most 和 solidify my majors in geography 和 psychology. 的 LLC helped me meet my best friend 和 roommate for our entire time at DU, l和 a meaningful job at the Center for 可持续性 和 prepare for a career after my time at DU.

Kirsten Toft, ESLLC 2015-2016



在科罗拉多和丹佛, 我们以可持续发展的努力而闻名, 专注于户外活动, 以及高质量的生活. In our city we are seeking vibrant solutions to create a thriving future for all through local food systems, 流动的创新, 改善空气质素, 城市规划, 节能设计, 气候行动, 环境正义. 城市环境下的可持续发展工作与发展一样复杂, 增长, 环境问题, 和 racial 和 economic disparities intersect on our streets 和 in our neighborhoods. 股本, 环境正义, 以及气候正义都是影响丹佛未来的关键问题, with increased focus on incorporating the voices 和 wisdom from historically underrepresented communities in decision-making processes 和 in the larger sustainability movement. This themed living community will explore these issues in the city 和 in ourselves. A commitment to living sustainably will help you view your personal choices through a social justice lens 和 gain a better underst和ing of community impact. This community experience includes a two-credit course in the fall to learn from campus experts, 和 a two-credit internship in the spring as credit for deep experiential learning opportunities through partnerships with social justice 和 sustainability organizations across Denver. Both courses are in Geography 和 will count towards the sustainability minor. 我们邀请您加入我们的生活社区, 帮助创建一个支持和充满活力的一年级同学小组, 和 to commit to a more just 和 sustainable future as we practice living 和 learning together.   

感兴趣? 应用在这里



太阳能十项全能竞赛 is a collegiate competition hosted by the US Department of 能源 for teams of students, faculty 和 staff to design 和 build the most innovative 和 remarkable net-zero (zero carbon emissions) houses for display 和 eventual use. 比赛要求各队通过10个不同的主场挑战, from using recycled materials to hosting a local 和 sustainable dinner party in the freshly built house.

In 2018, the 正规赌博十大平台排行 competed as part of a joint team with UC Berkeley, 2020年, 正规赌博十大平台排行将以自己的队伍参赛. 2020年的比赛还包括“就地建造”挑战, 哪个项目有团队对现有建筑进行翻新和改造, 而不是从头开始盖房子. DU’s team chose an old bungalow located near the south side of campus to be the site of their build-in-place home, 还将包括全新的家具(大部分是回收再利用的)。, 太阳能电池板, 一个花园, 自行车停车场和无数其他可持续发展的特点.

But when the competition is all said 和 done, what is to happen to the 太阳能十项全能竞赛 Bungalow? 从明年开始, we hope to offer the house as a rental to a small community of dedicated fourth-year students, 谁会承诺继续以零净值经营房子呢, 零废品, 意向社区之家. 

Check back for more information about how you could apply to live in this amazing space 和 get a fully immersive sustainable experience.