
Mutual Benefits of Near-peer Mentoring in STEM Postsecondary 和 Career Development 

"This study investigates the effectiveness of near-peer mentoring in promoting STEM career aspirations, particularly for underrepresented students. Focusing on the STEM mentor internship course, led by the biology department at a private university in collaboration with a local public school, the research examines the experiences of undergraduate mentors 和 high school senior mentees, 和 the benefits 和 challenges to both participant groups. Key questions addressed include the influence of near-peer mentoring on career choices 和 personal development for both mentors 和 mentees, its impact on high school seniors' STEM post-secondary decisions, 和 post-high school transition considerations. The study also assesses how the program enhances undergraduate mentors' cultural responsiveness, 领导能力, 和 equity-promoting roles in STEM. Drawing from three years of qualitative data, 包括调查, 退出门票, 课程, 时事通讯, 和作业, the findings provide insights into the significance of near-peer mentoring for shaping STEM education 和 career pathways. This study employed a qualitative method followed by a sentiment analysis in natural language processing to comprehensively capture the multifaceted outcomes of near-peer mentoring.

The results show that most responses from high school mentees 和 undergraduate mentors are overwhelmingly positive. Program materials effectively align with 和 address mentees' post-secondary career planning needs, dispelling common myths about studying 和 working in STEM fields 和 empowering individuals from traditionally marginalized backgrounds to pursue STEM careers. Undergraduate mentors develop social justice-oriented leadership, 机构, 和 mindsets through newsletter drafting, 辅导课程, 和自我反省. This holistic STEM mentoring program adds value to a holistic STEM education by engaging diverse communities. Further efforts need to focus on further strengthening virtual mentor-mentee collaboration 和 communication, specified mentoring for different sectors of STEM field, 和 collaboration with career centers 和 STEM professionals to provide more resources 和 practical experiences for both mentors 和 mentees."